Arrived in Kuala Lumpur

We arrived in KL und now already 10 days here. Just finished my first work week and on this weekend we will continue looking for a new home. If everything runs fine, our furniture arrives on the 23. of december and I will be back at the project early in January.

Preparing to move to Kuala Lumpur

We are here in the last preperations for the move to Malaysia. All contracts are cancelled, both cars and my motorcycle are sold. Got rid of a lot of stuff with the help of ebay. I even sold some parts of my Commodore collection. The countdown is running now. Just a few days left until ...

500 Lincade 0.040 downloads!

This is a reason to party. We have today exactly 500 Lincade 0.040 downloads. When I started the project I wouldn’t mind that so many people will using it. Good news for all users, there is a new release planned within the next weeks.

Retro time

The last weeks I invested some freetime to get my C64DTV upgraded. The biggest thing I did was adding a SD-Card based Floppy emulation. This nice thing is driven by a microcontroller and called MMC2IEC. Another thing which I have planned for my DTV was, to change the Commodore standard kernal to a patched one ...

Trip into the apple history

Weeks ago i bought Steve Wozniaks’ biography “iWoz” and began reading it. I dont have completely finished it yet but I am pretty close at the end. It is fun reading it. Steve is a guy who loves to joke and a real nerd too. I was amazed to read, how he developed the Apple ...

Lincade 0.040 released!!

The long time of waiting is over. Three months after the last testing and six months after the last stable release, here is the next stable Lincade release. It took a long time but Lincade got a lot of improvements and extensions, not only bugs were fixed. Biggest change or improvement in this release, is ...

Releasing Lincade 0.031pre2 for public testing

Lincade 0.031pre2 You might already noticed, that I released last week a non public pre release of the next Lincade version. This release got a lot of progress in the last days and became Lincade 0.031pre2, which is hopefully good enough, to be publically tested! Please report any bug or positive feedback to the development ...

C64 DTV Power MOD

Weg mit den Batterien! Das C64 DTV ist ein wunderbares Gerät, die Tatsache es mit Batterien betreiben zu können ist praktisch aber auf dauer keine gute Lösung. Werden die Batterien schwächer, stürzt das DTV auch gerne mal ab. Also muss eine externe Spannungsversorgung her. Ich habe mir dazu ein altes Handy-Ladegerät gekrallt das eine Spannung ...

C64 DTV Keyboard Mod

PS/2 Tastatur an das C64 DTV anschließen Es hört sich verrückt an, aber es ist ohne weiteres möglich eine Tastatur an ein C64 DTV anzuschließen. Man benötigt nur eine PS/2 Anschlußbuchse. Gerne wird man bei alten PC Slot- blechen fündig. Notwendig für unser vorhaben ist, die Anschlüße KB CLK und KB DATA, KB VCC (+5V) ...

Wenig neues im PC2Jamma Projekt

Viele neues gibt es nicht zum PC2Jamma Projekt. Ich habe mir jedoch Gedanken gemacht, wie man mein am Ende (hoffentlich) gut konfiguriertes Linux System, auch anderen zugänglich machen könnte. Die Rede ist von einer Art Arcade Linux Distribution als Basis dient Gentoo begrenzte Hardware unterstützung bei Grafikkarten (nur die wichtigsten Typen) vorkonfiguriertes X für den ...