It might be beneficial for search engine or for your own records. Instead of having items completely disappears out of your store, you might just want to move them out of sight – but still accessible. In my store I mainly sell vintage audio gear. Even if an item is sold, people might be keen ...
It always annoyed on my DL1000 not to know what gear I am currently using. A lot of motorcycles got the Luxury of a gear display. But unfortunately not the old DL1000. There are some ready made solutions you can buy that are suitable for many different types of motorcycles. But they come with a ...
As a collector of vintage computers and video games I had been looking a long time for an Apple IIe. In my home country (Germany) they have been pretty expensive. Same here in Australia where I am living now and they are relatively rare these days. Chances are probably better in Australia to catch one ...
In March 2016 I thought its time to retire my old first generation Samsung Galaxy Tab 10″. I was interested in something easier to carry and thought time to buy an 8″ Android tablet. In a local electronics store I got my hands on a few different tablets and ended up buying the Samsung Galaxy ...
I thought I need to get a little project for my long end of the year break. So I went even to the extreme and ended up with something micro sized. But first a little big background story. I came across the ‘CJMCU’ board, which is a frame and a flight controller at the same ...
This is something really cheap, that can provide you some useful information about your quad and adds quite some excitement to the videos. Below video was created with the ‘Cleanflight Blackbox Explorer’ which is an application that is part of the project and runs within chrome. On the hardware side you only need to spend ...
By design it is not possible to install anything better than OSX 10.7.5 on a MacPro 1.1 or 2.1. Apple decided to abandon support for hardware that does not have a 64 Bit EFI bios and these machines only got a 32 Bit EFI. But there is a way to overcome this limitation by using ...
It is winter in Australia – all my flying things are currently having a break more or less. So what I need is a winter project to keep myself busy. I found a broken G5 Mac Pro on eBay would was too cheap to ignore. Got it but was not able to fix it to ...
Some of my prints failed, because they came lose from the bed while printed. As a result I started to play around with a number of settings and bed temperature to tackle the problem. At the moment I am only using PLA and increasing the bed temperature also had some unwanted side effects. The object ...
Before buying a 3D printer I did a bit of research. For some printers, the build platform is quite small. The RepRap Prusa i3 kits I found would offer something like 20x20x20 cm, which sounded alright for me. Some parts I found on ‘Thingiverse’ would require a build platform of at least this size. Also ...