Different approaches to list open network connnections on your Linux server

Often we have good reasons to ask, who is connecting to our server or what process is using which port? There are some simple ways to verify that. A good start is always the NETSTAT command. netstat -tn tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT tcp 0 0 ...

Lazarus part of my Templogger done 3

I had quite a fight with the TAChart component in Lazarus. For all who don’t know about Lazarus, it is a free Delphi alternative which runs on various platforms. A good thing about Lazarus is, that you can play around with the components you drop at the form already within the design process. So the ...

The magic of SQL

I am still working on my Temperature Logging project with the RaspberryPi mentioned here. The Raspberry is collecting the data and stores it in a MySQL database. Each hour, it does 5 measurements. My plan is to visualize these measurements in a little program I want to write with Lazarus. Lazarus got the TAChart component ...

Temperature and Humidity Logging with RaspberryPi 4

After a long time with all my RC stuff, I got interested to do something with the RaspberryPI. I am using one already a media center but that was not really a challenge. Motivation was to solve a problem we have at some of our customer sites. Here in a tropical environment, working air conditions ...

500 Lincade 0.040 downloads!

This is a reason to party. We have today exactly 500 Lincade 0.040 downloads. When I started the project I wouldn’t mind that so many people will using it. Good news for all users, there is a new release planned within the next weeks.

Lincade 0.040 released!!

The long time of waiting is over. Three months after the last testing and six months after the last stable release, here is the next stable Lincade release. It took a long time but Lincade got a lot of improvements and extensions, not only bugs were fixed. Biggest change or improvement in this release, is ...

Releasing Lincade 0.031pre2 for public testing

Lincade 0.031pre2 You might already noticed, that I released last week a non public pre release of the next Lincade version. This release got a lot of progress in the last days and became Lincade 0.031pre2, which is hopefully good enough, to be publically tested! Please report any bug or positive feedback to the development ...

Start des Blogs zum Projekt

Nachdem ich schon eine Weile am Basteln bin, habe ich beschlossen das Ganze doch in einem Blog zu kommentieren. Die eine oder andere Überlegung ist vielleicht doch für andere hilfreich. Der Status des PC2Jamma Projektes ist auf der Hardwareseite etwa 80%. Der Keyboard Adapter ist annähernd fertig gelötet. Das VGA Kabel hängt auch schon am ...